Yes, the Christmas Giving Bug bit me yesterday, and I bought something for..... Myself! I went to Bowmanville to the new yarn shop, Soper Creek Yarn and treated myself to yarn and a book. The store has a great selection with more yarn to come. Barb, the owner, tells us that classes will probably start in the new year. Possibly a knit and kvetch will happen too! I bought some yarn I had never seen before. It's from Britain, called Marble, it's 100% acrylic, (don't turn up your nose you wool yarn purists!) soft, soft, soft to the hand and it has the most delicious colouring. Apparently the manufacturer, James C. Brett, can hardly keep up with the demand....exclusivity...I love to have something that is in short supply...it's the beeotch in me! The book is a cute little, almost like a kids reader, item called "Cables, Mittens, Hats & Scarves". It also has fingerless, and wrist warmer patterns. Perfect to carry around in the Knitting Bag. Of course I couldn't resist the "Cable" part of the title...after all, I am Ann of Green Cables! So today is going to be an indoor one, looking for a pattern to suit the yarn, picking out a pattern from the new book, and ..oh yeah, some Christmas gift wrapping. As Superman says..."Up, up, and away!!!!" to the jobs/fun to be done!