Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Coming!

"Christmas is acoming and the goose is getting fat,
Please to put a penny in the old man's hat.
If ye 'aven't got a penny,
An 'apenny will do.
If ye 'aven't got an 'apenny,
Then God Bless You!"
An old singsong rhyme that my Maw (grandmother) used to say/sing to me at Christmas time..  Hope everyone is taking all the excitement in stride.  Remember the reason for the season.  God Bless and Pray for Peace on Earth..


Unknown said...

very pretty tree, is it a tree of yours? Now I am humming that song!

Mar said...

Hi Linda. The tree pic is one I got off the internet. I should check all my old Christmas pics and download some to show on my blog. Take care. Mar