Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing?

HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!  Up here in Southern Ontario we are sweltering in 90 degreee heat.  Well, folks isn't this what we wanted in the dead freeze of Winter?  Really, I'm not complaining.  The only thing I can't do is work in the garden for any length of time.  So, this morning I was outside just before 7 to start the lawn and garden watering and repotting of some plants.  Now I'm indoors with the summer furnace fan on, the air con set for 80 degreees, all the ceiling fans on and a rotary fan to help blow the air around.
I'm also waiting for the repair man to look at my washing machine.  It won't spin out.  Luckily I found that out when I was spinning out a hand washed and rinsed shawl I made.  So, not a lot of water to get rid of. It's about 34 years old and never given me a bit of trouble. Oh, here he is.
Update:  My Maytag  is suffering from worn bearings and motor fatigue...sounds like me!   I may have to spring for a new washer.  I'm tempted to get a wringer washer!  Ah, no I'm kidding.  I remember washing diapers for 6 years (4 babies in 5 years!) and it's no fun standing there hoping your hands don't get caught up in the wringers.  Yes it happened to me, but no damage occured.....just some blue air around me.  So if the repairs are more than $200, a shopping I will go! 
On a more positive note, my gardens are looking good.  I planted 3 kinds of tomatoes and a sweet red pepper along with a green pepper.  That's the extent of my veggie garden this year.  The flowering plants are all looking good.  My favourites are the French Lavender.  This could be the last summer here as I am thinking of selling the house so I can downsize.  As much as I like this house, it is getting to be more than I can handle and I could use the money spent on maintenance on something more fun.....maybe buy me a "boy toy"!  LOL 
So long for now and the thought for today: Strive to look for the good in every situation.  And if you can't find it..........have coffee with a friend!  There's always good in coffee!   ;o) <3
LATEST BREAKING NEWS:  Had a (if I do say so myself) brilliant idea and  called my oldest daugther to see if her beau was selling his washing machine when he sold his house. She called him and he said I could have it for taking care of my grandaughter when daughter and beau go on vacation in the Fall.  Yay for family!!!


Diana said...

Wow that is warm for you way up there isn't it Mar?! I've had my Maytags for over twenty years. Had them repaired a bit recently for under $200.00. The repairman said that they don't make them like that anymore and that the newer models are cheaply made with expensive parts costs!
At least you will have another one waiting! I remember my mom using an old wringer washer. I am filled with joy that I don't have to!!!!
Glad you are doing well Marlene.
Love Di ♥

Unknown said...

It is incredible what little things we take for granted...I too remember my mother using the wringer washer and hanging clothes on the line. I always remember her hanging clothes on the line, with 7 children it was a never ending cycle! so glad your set back is taken care of. Yeah for technology!