Friday, January 1, 2010

Get Out Those Resolutions!


So, a Happy and Healthy New Year to all my friends.  Has anyone (dare I ask?) made a New Year Rezzie to ....aaaaggh! LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!  I'm willing to admit I say this EVERY Jan 1st.  I usually do it with some kind of daily plan.  I even write down, for each day, how much exercise I will do.  Starting off with something like "am. 30 mins. --15 min. on the Rebounder; 15 min. on the Xcountry ski machine.  pm 30 mins--15 min. on the Rebounder; 15 mins on the stationary bike. on alternate days use weight machine."  Then on the following days I increase the times by 5 mins. until I'm at 1 hour  in the am and 1 hr. in the pm.  Of course, there's the low fat, high fibre diet worked in there.  I'm in the groove for about a week....and then........I skip a day or a time of day until thre is a week or two of no check marks or notations.  Then, sigh, I give up. 
I have school-type exercise (<--irony here) books that have all the above goals written down and when I slip up they get pages torn out so I don't have to look at the proof of my buttlaziness.
So, I'm challenging myself again this year and all of you out there now know my dirty secret so I will have to be honest as I know y'all will ask me "How's it going?  Are you reaching your goals?"  And since I hate liars and lying, I will have to tell the truth.  I don't want to embarass myself in front of the world, sooooo..........Here goes. 
MY WEIGHT LOSS GOAL:  take off 40 lbs.
TIME FRAME:  @ a minimum average of 2 lbs per week = 20 weeks.
PLAN OF ACTION:  start with 30 mins each time in the am and pm, working up to 1 hr. in am and pm.
FOOD PLAN:  More Veggies, and fruit, less fat (I am a butter hound),  less salt, less sugar (that hidden stuff in bought foods) less starch ( I am a homemade bread hound): 3 meals a day, starting with a proper breakfast (not just coffee and milk) fruit and or protein snacks between meals.
I' m already taking mineral and vitamin supplements  in the am and pm.
I actually started the eating plan by haveing an egg, fried in Pam sprayed pan, 1 slice of bread with a tsp of butter and a tbsp of ketchup and coffee with skim milk--frothed to thicken it, so the coffee looks like fancy dancey latte thingy.
Well, here goes. Now to do the exercise.  It's already noon here in the Great White North, so I sorta fell out of the am time frame, but, hey, I got up late, typed out my confession and plan, so that's my reason for starting late. 
Good Health, Good Times, Good Friends........My wish for me and all my family and friends.


Diana said...

Good luck to you Mar! My biggest goal is to not have to buy a bigger size pant! Love Di

Jackie said...

I'm going to drink more water and less Coca Cola.
I'm also with Di. Gotta love her!
The best of luck on your plan, my friend.
Smiles from Jackie

Eileen said...

Oh, I'm not that ambitious! I've broken way to many resolutions in the past.
I'm just resolving to eat healthier and exercise a little more, and I'm not going to concentrate at all on a goal weight.

You are good!
Best of luck!
Happy New Year!
All the best, Eileen

Bernie said...

Good Luck Mar, why don't you start at 15 min. a day of exercise then increase by 5 mins. the next week, but I am sure you know what is best for you.....
I have made no resolutions, never keep them but I have chosen a word to focus on each day......:-) Hugs

Unknown said...

LOL I do the same thing every year! but when the hubby even tells you....WE need to loose some weight....that confirms it even more! ARGH 30 lbs for me would put me where I was at age 40ish! But...then again..all those wrinkles too! Fat sees no wrinkles! (sigh) Cheers, and here's to a new Healthier year!

Mar said...

Thanks for the encouragement my friends. I absolutely must do the exercise and healthy eating from now on, as I am starting to seize up when I sit too long. It's too cold to walk outside and it's too easy to just sit 'n knit (and eat). I'll be posting about it all starting Monday.