The weather here has been excellent. Got a lot of plants in last weekend. My friend Sher and I dug and planted and pretty much played in the dirt. The deck and front yard look soooo pretty. I should take pics and share them.
On to why I put up a pic of Ros knitting. Zellers is closing some of their stores and I couldn't resist checking out their yarn bins. Scored some yarn that I can knit or crochet into lots of hats, scarves, mitts for the kiddos and if they get lost it won't be a big deal.
So the yarn stash is getting bigger and that is okay, as it's non edible and that means I won't be getting bigger! With summer around the corner, I can't hide any extra weight under my coat. So, my friends that's all for today. Take good care of yourselves, have a laugh or two and keep hydrated in this warm weather.