Anyhoo, I haven't posted for awhile because I've been totally preoccupied with the repairs that must be done to my basement, due to water coming in through the chimney stack. Lining up people who do specific work and getting it done in the right order is time consuming. My life has been on hold for a month, but, I am hopeful that the repairs will get started on Monday.
Everything in the basement must be brought upstairs. You don't know how much 'stuff' you have until you try to move it to another place, either another house or to another part of your current home. I was planning on moving to a smaller place this year (which is on hold--can't put the house up for sale now), so some things have been given to family members, but it's the junk one accumulates that takes so much time to sort out.
On a lighter note, I do not have pics of the guys who will do the work, but I will try to get some and post them, so we can all salivate a little. ;).P.S. LOL On reading this post on Tuesday I realized that I had typed "Dusting Hoffman". A Freudian Slip? I guess cleaning up the mess that is my house was on my mind.